Saturday, May 30, 2015

Can I Haz Favor?

As I've written about a time or two before, I like to read various web comics.  The REALLY Good ones I post banner links here on my blog.

Well I'd like some help.

If you don't already could you go sign up for a Comic Fury account, and then subscribe to two particular web comics.




Then at the bottom of the page click on the Top Web Comics (TWC) and vote for each comic.

DataChasers update Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, LunaStar updates Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Both have VERY good art, very compelling plot and stories, and on occasion they can be slightly NSFW for mild nudity, but definitely language if TeeDee is in the days update.

Seriously.  I'd love to get both comics upto a thousand or so subscribers.

Oh and you won't have to worry about ads or popups on Comic Fury.

Just ANOTHER reason to read your comics there.

Pretty Please with Powdered Sugar and a Maraschino Cherry on Top?

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