Monday, May 11, 2015

Data Chasers - Luna Star

Over there on the top right of the righthand sidebar you will notice I have two new Web Comics posted.

First up is Data Chasers.  A post apocalyptic world, where AI's, Robots, Androids, Space Ships, and High Technology, and mixed together into a very good, strong and compelling story.  At many places you are warned "Don't read the comments", at Data Chasers, DO read the comments.  The commenters include the artist/writers and many others.  I've read comments where the sociopolitical world of Data Chasers was picked apart, advantages, disadvantages and all the warts were brought up discussed.  Add in how the artwork has steadily progressed, but ALWAYS has good stories, plots, and even good understandable conversations.  There IS some nudity on some pages, and where TeeDee is around, LOTS of cussing is sure to follow..  This series has been around since 2007 and is currently up to 1273 pages as of this writing.

Oh and watch out for the "Murder Turd"  And don't drink for at least 10 pages once he makes his appearance.  Your keyboard and monitor will thank me for the warning.

Lots of good artwork, plot and stories in there.  If you like it, please go down to the bottom of the page and click on the Top Web Comics link to vote for the Data Chasers.  also if you'd like you can sign up for a Free Comic Fury account and subscribe to Data Chasers or any of the other hundred if of thousands of web-comics.

Also by the same art/writing team of Data Chasers is Luna-Star.  It is currently on a 2 week vacation, but go to the beginning and read through the whole archive.  You will find a Prequel to Data Chasers, STILL with good artwork, good plots and a very engaging story.  And good commenters there as well.  There are a couple NSFW pages but not many.  Luna -Star DOES have a definitive End, which is what brings about what happened several hundred years before Data Chasers.  However Data Chasers does NOT have a predetermined End as of Yet.

And as with Data Chasers, at the bottom of Luna-Star go to the bottom of the page and click on the Top Web Comic button to vote for Luna-Star.  you can vote every day and ever vote helps increase the ranking on Top Web Comics.

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