Monday, May 18, 2015

M1951 Beretta

Over at Centerfire Systems, they have some Beretta M1951 8-shot 9mm's.

The following pics are property of Centerfire Systems and no infringement is intended.

Property of Centerfire Systems

Property of Centerfire Systems

From the pics of their example, they look to be in moderate condition.

Now, I haven't purchased firearms from Centerfire before, however I HAVE purchased other stuff from them and they have been very reasonable.  There was one time where shipping and communication was lacking, but that was only once out of 5 times I have ordered from them.  And since it was the first time I had ordered from them, I hesitated to try ordering from them again, but my second through fifth orders were expedited, when I had a small issue with one of the items I had ordered, I called them and they had a replacement in the mail that same day.

I had planned on ordering an AR-15 Upper from them, however the order taker was straight up front with me, telling me they were having some issues with that particular upper from their supplier and they recommended I NOT buy it.  How many companies will tell you NOT to buy one of the products they are selling because of an issue on their end?

Not many.

So if you are wanting a Beretta M1951, the Grandfather of the Beretta M9/92 FS, click that link up there to go to their page to see it for yourself.  The price is currently $299.99 and IS C&R Eligible if you have a C&R License.

Now for some history of the M1951.

The M1951 9mm pistol was adopted to replace the M1934 which was chambered in .380 ACP.  It was also the very first locked breech pistol that Beretta manufactured.  It was later adopted by Egypt as the Tokagypt who later licensed it as the "Helwan"  The Helwan could be purchased many years ago for less than $100.00.

For more information about the M1951 Beretta please click on the following link:Beretta M1951

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