Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Alfonzo Rachel - Democrats Flew The Confederate Battle Flag, Not Republicans

I actually disagree with several of his points.

My great great grandparents on both sides of my family fought in the Civil War.

Poor share croppers who fought for the Confederacy, and doctors, bankers and industrialists for the Union.  My ancestors were from all sides of the economic and sociopolitical equation.

From share croppers, and half breed indians, up to the hoity toity ultra rich of their day.

One of my Ancestors was one of the founders of the City of Davenport Iowa, he has towns and streets named after him.  His last name is given to all the males of my family to honor him.  And he was a Half Breed French Indian married to a Quarter Breed French Indian.

Until after World War Two, my sharecropper ancestors owned very little land.  It was my many uncles returning from the war buying property to farm with the pay they had saved.  That side of my family was land rich but money poor.

The Great Depression wiped out the other side of my family's wealth.  Taking them from wealthy enough to afford private tutors and nice homes, to turning those homes into boarding houses.

For me, the Confederate flag is a symbol of my heritage.  And so the Union Flag, the American Flag.

This is just my personal opinion, but if I want to fly the Confederate Battle Flag, it needs to be flow with the American Flag at the same time.  To honor BOTH sides of my ancestry.

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