Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Are we hoist by our own Petard? Is our Navy Too big?

"The Navy’s penchant for building ever larger and more complex carrier strike forces is analogous to an effort to build ever larger mainframe computers while the world is already moving from distributed systems to the cloud. Precise weapons can also be placed on a wide range of craft — even fishing boats — raising the specter of the USS Cole suicide attack on steroids.

“Because the most critical naval competition will be a battle of signatures, a small signature-controlled combatant with long-range precision strike will be a decisive component of any fleet,” Hendrix pointed out in Proceedings."

Just thinking logically, wouldn't we be better served with few super carriers and more Amphibious Warfare Platforms and "Jeep" Carriers?

Granted I can see we do need some of the Nuclear Super Carriers, but how about some smaller carriers that can be built more cheaply and take less personnel to operate, that are somewhat less vulnerable to attack through a reduced signature?

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