Monday, June 15, 2015

Contact your Congressperson Tell them Vote NO on TPA Fast Track

"TAA was originally supposed to be financed with Medicare cuts – which sparked major outrage, and cries of hypocrisy in what would have certainly turned into boldly negative campaign advertisements against Republicans by Democrats this next cycle. But under pressure, Republican leadership, mainly Boehner and Ryan, negotiated with Democrats to remove the Medicare cuts from the financial backing of TAA and instead using direct tax hikes by raising the penalties for misfiled taxes.

“A vote for Obamatrade on Tuesday is a vote to give the IRS more power and more incentives to go after small businesses,” said Curtis Ellis, founder of the website, in an exclusive inter
view with Breitbart News.

Democrats overwhelmingly opposed TAA Friday after Pelosi voiced opposition to giving President Obama fast-track trade authority."

This bill will also double if not triple taxes on small business, which are the largest drivers of our economy. And those small businesses cannot AFFORD any more taxes.

Click the above to RTWT, then get on the phone, and start e-mailing.

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