Friday, June 26, 2015

Do you have some spare cash?

From Go Fund Me.

Leila Grace is our 3 year old baby girl who suffers from Spinal Muscular Atrophy type 1.  A neuromuscular disease where the nerves controlling her muscles are dying. When she turned 6 months old, she was diagnosed. As of now there is no cure, and no kind of treatment. They told us that is would be a blessing if she lived to 1 and a miracle if she lived to 2. Here she is turning 4 in September and she is extremely happy and healthy! They are currently doing clinical trials for SMA and they are going amazing! We were told today by her neurologist that in a year to 2 they could have treatments available for her!! Leila has been confined to her bed since she had her tracheotomy and ventilator placed when she was 1. She has to be transported by ambulance to doctors, and that's all of the world she has got to see. They don't make car seats safe for her disease and we can't afford personal medical transport for personal use. She was fitted for her first wheelchair today!! However, it can also not fit into the ambulance so she won't even be able to bring it to the doctors as of now. So we are coming to you for help, please help us afford a wheelchair accessible van for Leila-Bug. We want her to have these years that she deserves as a normal child, going to the zoo, the museum, the toy store, or even just to grandmas. Please help our Leila-Bug.

To donate please click on the following Link:   Leila Grace Go Fund Me page

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