Friday, June 19, 2015

Drudge Headlines

I'll put those links in so you can see them for yourselves.

Obama Admin gives tips to illegals on getting work permits...

ICE Director says no one fired for releasing 65,000 criminal aliens onto streets...

5,000 freed in Arizona...

280 arrested in Midwest for robbery, burglary, battery, hit and run...

Caught, released, caught and released again...

Zuckerberg's cynical ploy for cheap foreign labor...

Mexico Now Deporting More Than USA...

'Dramatic shift'...


Seriously go read those. And if you don't already own a firearm, strongly consider purchasing one and getting proper firearm training.

If you live in the Corpus Area and would like to get Firearms Training, send me an e-mail and I will help you locate a Qualified Instructor and I will try to see if I can get some discounts for people. I can't do those things however if you don't contact me.

My E-mail is over there on the right under where it says "Send a Missive" or you can leave a comment here on the blog.

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