Monday, June 29, 2015

Galina is getting some help and Malati is fighting her inhibitor

The beacon has knocked Galina down hard, however the Relay still lives.  And through it, Galina gets a chorus of encouragement.

What happens next?

If you don't read Luna-Star, you will never know.

And remember, Luna-Star ends in a few weeks.  The story will be complete.  So read it now before it ends.  And maybe help me get it nominated for a Hugo Award in 2016.

Now, Malati is having a problem.

Malati's inhibitor is trying to FORCE her to complete the mission.  And Malati being Malati, she is fighting those orders and paying the price for it.

Why would a cold blooded killer try to fight her own orders?

If you aren't reading DataChasers, you won't know.

Remember to read the comment section of both comics.  And if you'd like to participate in the conversation, sign up for a free account at Comic Fury, and subscribe to both DataChasers and Luna-Star.

And I have no ownership or am connected in anway to the Comic Fury, Luna-Star or DataChasers.

I just think the stories are compelling, interesting and VERY very Good.

So join me over there in the Comment Section.  My user name is Mark_L_A and my profile pic is

So come on over, sign up for an account and jump into the peanut gallery throwing popcorn and peanuts at the screen. Please don't spill you sodas though, we don't need a sticky floor. And watch out for Sheela, she nibbles on toes.

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