Thursday, June 18, 2015

Getting very FRUSTRATED with

I have been trying to watch Ian and Karl's newest video on the German WW I body armor, and I've had to Reload the video over a dozen times and I STILL haven't been able to watch more than 9 minutes of it so far.

I have sent several messages and E-mails asking them to offer lower resolution streaming for people like me who are the far end of slow DSL, and I have YET to get a response.

It stops to buffer ever 5-8 seconds for me unless I just pause it for 30-45 minutes to let it load, but it doesn't always load the full video.  It will load maybe a minute or two and then STOP until I advance it past where it stopped loading, then it's back to load a few seconds and then buffer again.

If anyone knows someone involved with FULL30, please drop a message in their ears, because I REALLY like their content, but I am getting V-E-R-Y upset with wasting my time.

If it doesn't improve, like offering a lower resolution stream, I'm just going to cancel my account.

This is what I've been dealing with for over TWO HOURS!

Or then suddenly I get THIS!!!

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