Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Klavan & Whittle - Should Prostitution Be Legal?

There are places where Prostitution is legal.  And those places do not have all of these society destroying effects that most of the anti-prostitution foes say.

Here is my take on it and some people may be rather surprised and upset.

Make it legal.

Make sure that the person engaging in it is disease free, has a bi weekly check up, uses proper protection, and as a requirement of their being able to engage in their trade they must have access to a safe, secure, clean facility/hotel, that cannot gouge them on the prices they have to pay.

Like I said the only requirement is they have to be healthy, shown by  health examination card, must have proper prevention practices, and they need to be able to enter in to and enforce a contract with their client, with the expectation that Law Enforcement will be required to not harass neither the worker nor her client, in fact L.E. would be required to help enforce the contract if someone tries to stiff the worker.  Like I said an actual Contract for Services.  That spells out exactly what is and isn't allowable plus the costs as agreed to.

There are Legal Brothels here in the US.  And they basically do the same thing.

I don't see why making prostitution illegal is going to make it go away.  It isn't.  All it is going to do is to drive it underground, and make the possibility of true exploitation possible.  Anyone who says different, is an idiot.

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