Thursday, June 25, 2015

Links for your perusal

Obama Heckled at WH LGBT Pride Event: ‘You’re in My House’
Uhhh no it isn't. You are in the House that belongs to the People, to the Entire Nation. And you Sir are a Disgrace to it.

'Finish the mission, kill slave masters'- Fringe black leaders get racial, threatening, violent

Oh and only you get to define who is a "Slave Master"? What about the Islamist's who literally have SEX SLAVES, young girls, groomed, beaten, raped. Are you going to do anything about them?

Farrakhan: I Don’t Get Debate Over Confederate Flag, ‘We Need to Put the American Flag Down’

And after they put down the Confederate and the American Flag, what will be next? How long will we allow the true hate mongers to spread their messages of hate.

Greek crisis: deal unravels as both sides reject proposals and Tsipras is summoned to late night talks

The Greeks are intentionally going to default. They expect to be able to keep their level of spending without ANY cuts, and they expect the rest of the EU to pay for it. And when they finally go down in the flames of riots and unrest, they will take the rest of the EU down with them. Italy or possibly Spain will be next.

Boehner doles out new punishment
Boehner needs to GO.

AP Exclusive: Document outlines big-power nuke help to Iran
And yet they REFUSE to build new Reactors here in the US.

Jefferson Memorial, Confederate statues enter national race debate
The fight over the Flags, are to TOTALLY DESTROY the Heritage of the US. Destroy the History, the Ideals, that made the US what is was. Notice I didn't say what it "Is". Because the Dem and the RINO's have almost completely DESTROYED what the US was.

Authorities: Suspect In Crash That Killed Bob Barry Jr. Previously Deported 3 Times
And how many others are out committing crimes we don't know about yet? All due to Obama's policies.

Estimated 96 Percent of Border Surge Illegals Remain In U.S.
I'm sorry, each and every one of them needs to be DEPORTED. Put a Chip in THEM! If they try to come back again, they can be used in a road gang fixing the roads for a year then sent back to where they came from.

Taxpayers slapped with $866,615 jet fuel bill for Obama's Earth Day speech
And yet according to Obama, "We" have to make more sacrifices. But not he nor is supporters.

Tech company finds stolen government log-ins all over Web

And it will only get worse. Especially since NO ONE will be fired for the screwups.

Watchdog: Evidence destroyed during probe of IRS targeting

Of course they did. You'd be amazed at just what other agencies are destroying as well. The EPA is destroying e-mails, the DOJ is destroying E-mails, almost EVERY agency, including the Joint Chiefs and the DOD are destroying E-mails. Wiping Backups, and MORE. Obama and his minions have done so much stuff, much of it which is ILLEGAL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL, so they are doing everything they can to hide and destroy the evidence.

Clinton aide worked on UAE project while at State Department
What you think she was the only one who did this?

TSA Is a Disaster – But Privatizing Won’t Help
The TSA needs to be abolished.

Study Says Dogs Will Refuse Food From Jerks, Can Identify Jerks
If my dogs don't like someone, I don't want that person around. My dogs have been right too many times to dismiss their opinions.

White House reportedly hid extent of Office of Personnel Management hack
Of course they did. If the news of the hack hadn't gotten out, many other those affected by the hack wouldn't have known about the threat to them.

EPA chief suggests climate change skeptics aren't normal
And yet how many times have they been proven to be wrong or to outright LIE? And yet WE have a mental issue.

You know what is VERY ANNOYING? I'm flipping between Fox, CNN and MSNBC and a story comes up on Fox. And it isn't ANYHWERE on their website. And yet it happened YESTERDAY.

First the Confederate flag. What’s next?
Yup? What next?

Texas lawmaker accuses Yellen of blocking probe
Of course she is. She's is protecting her boss.

Just Watch Dem Councilman’s Stunning Reaction to Community Pushback on Restrictive Anti-Gun Proposal: ‘Shut Up!’

So he doesn't just want to take away their Second Amendment Rights, but also their First Amendment Rights as well. Typical Democrat in Action.

Retired Baltimore Police Officer’s Shocking Accusations of Corruption Within the Force: Illegal Searches and Even Defecating on Suspects’ Beds

I know PERSONALLY that some of the things he alleges happen in St. Louis City PD, and in MANY of the smaller Municipalities in St. Louis County.

Military Atheist Claims What Happened in This 36-Second Clip Has No Place in the Armed Forces

Excuse me? If you don't wish to participate in a prayer or invocation you are NOT required to do so. But you are going to INSIST that everyone else is REQUIRED to toe YOUR line? What a hypocrite.

Watch How Confederate-Themed Store Worker Reacts When CNN Crew Shows Up: ‘Are We on Your…Agenda Today?’

Yup he's got them pegged.

‘Banned From Pride For Being a Gay Libertarian’: Right to Marry Clashes With Right to Carry at Gay Pride Event

I have several gay friends who have "Un-Friended" me because I am against Obama and the Mainlin GOP. These people KNOW me, know what I really do beleive, but because I Abhor Obama, they ignore me, avoid me, and have unfriended me on Facebook and other social networks. You tell me, who is inclusive?

Editor Apologizes On-Air to ‘Republican Sources’ Who Warned Him of Obamacare Lie: ‘They Were Right’

The White House ALWAYS lies. It doesn't matter what the Letter after the name of the current resident.

I'm done for now. My hip is starting to really hurt.

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