Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Some Impossible Links

To some things that are supposed to be "Impossible"

90 Days: Treasury Says Debt Has Been Frozen at $18,112,975,000,000
Statistically Impossible

Obamacare Database Keeps Personal Info “Forever”
Just what data of YOURS do they have? And how is it secured?

Possible Pentagon destruction of evidence in NSA leak case probed
Possible? How about "Probable"

Fed's worst nightmare: The 'ghost of 1937'
And it is only going to get worse.

Central banks stash cash for unwind shock
Right now, to me at least this looks like damage control in advance.

Obama gives free pass to businesses that hire illegals
Can't find a job? Well here is one reason why.

Clinton Campaign Won’t Commit to Releasing Hillary Medical Records
Partly because they would CONFIRM, that both she and Bill have Herpes Simplex B. Also because they would show her supposed "Fall" and "Concussion" never happened. And she just used that to keep from testifying to Congress.

45 times Secretary Clinton pushed the trade bill she now opposes
She will do and say ANYTHING to get the nomination. Ole Bernie is eating up her lead and forcing her to spend money which, while she has it, she doesn't want to document where she got it from.

ICE’s sex offender policies under scrutiny
Hundreds if not THOUSANDS of Illegals are wanted for Violent Sex Crimes. And the Feds let them walk away.

121 murders attributed to illegals released by Obama administration
You know I like Ted Nugent's way of looking at these things. He said "I don't want repeat offenders, I want DEAD offenders" And I agree with him 110%

The new 'Engaging Immigrant New York City' campaign will hopefully entice the 'newest New Yorkers' to register to vote

But there is NO Voter Fraud. We don't know what you're talking about. There is no... HEY GET AWAY FROM THAT CURTAIN!!!

Gowdy: Blumenthal 'merely a conduit' for Benghazi memos to Clinton
You say conduit I say cut-out.

Profs say US history guidelines would shortchange college-bound seniors

After all if they knew the truth about history, they wouldn't believe the tripe their college professors would try to feed them.

Southern Baptists: Supreme Court is not final authority on gay marriage

Texas Spending $800M to Create Its Own Virtual Border Patrol
Make you're own determination. But read this next story also and put your thinking cap on.

New Gold Electronic Payments System To Protect From “National Financial Or Currency Crisis”

Like i said, make your own determination.

NATO Chief Blasts Putin's 'Dangerous' Plan to Expand Nuke Arsenal
Yup 40 more ICBM's while Obama in financing it through buying Russia old Nuclear weapons to deconstruct them here in the US. Putin takes that money and builds NEW Nuclear weapons and the Missiles to carry them. Real smart there earnest.

Bitcoin surges as Greece worries mount
The E.U. and the Euro are going to crash and crash HARD. From my research, Greece has 7-10 months if not less, before they implode. When then happens look for Italy, Spain, and possibly Hungary's economies to crater.

China says about to finish some land reclamation in South China Sea
Coupled with the next link

Russia plans army training exercises with China, India
We are so hosed in that AO.

'I'm tired of going to court': Chilling words of recently divorced cop and father of nine to his ex-wife before he ran her off the road and then shot her dead in front of their daughter over custody dispute

An "Only One" and note where he is a cop for? One of the most Anti-gun States in the country.

ISIS barbarians plumb new depths of depravity with horrific video showing a ‘spy’ having his hand and foot chopped off while tied to a cross

But those who speak out against this are "Racist"' and "Islamophobic". Right...

Huge numbers of Muslims are turning to ISIS because they want SEX, claims former Islamist, who says many resent the freedoms Western youths have

I call BS. They don't want sex. they want POWER over the defenseless to take what they want. Be it Sex, or Death.

'Something's not right. I'm sick of this': Teenage girl who was told to 'stop Googling' the rare cancer that eventually killed her left heartbreaking messages begging doctors to take her seriously

The UK NHS at work. And just wait for Obama and his minions to get ObamaCare fully implemented. This will be here in the US hundreds of times a week.

College rape program is training women to avoid sexual assault using self-defense techniques - and it's proving very successful

And the Feminists are screaming, "But Men Shouldn't Rape". they ignore the other reasons for a person to get this training. To protect themselves from things like muggings, robberies, let alone a rape.

Hillary Clinton charged the Boys and Girls Club a massive fee to speak at a luncheon, then didn't interact with the underprivileged children the program helps

More proof who she really is all about. "Herself"

Russia is developing a 'MICROWAVE GUN': Weapon can shoot a drone out of the sky from six miles away, claims military official

There ARE some defenses for the drones against this type of weapon. However, currently they are so heavy and power intensive, the drone can barely fly or carry any usable payload.

Father walks in on childcare worker 'raping his 5-year-old daughter behind a daycare bookshelf'

If that was one of my kids he was doing that too. There would be no need for a trial, he'd be dead because I would beat him to death.

Spike in meth seen from Mexico as US production low
Yet another reason to secure the border and also to rethink the idiotic "War" on drugs. It doesn't work, and too many people are being imprisoned for stupid reasons.

German dies of complications from MERS infection
I remember the first outbreak way back in the 90's. And if people thought the Bird Flu or the Ebola outbreaks aftermath was stupid, look up MERS response during the 90's.

Prosecutor: Ex-police chief killed man on trumped-up warrant
Yet another "Only One" and the cops wonder why the general public is so mistrustful of them. Here's your answer.

Vietnam fishermen 'attacked by Chinese boats': state media
Here is your word for the day "Hegemony"

I'll try to get some more links up later. Right now I have some video's I need to upload to YouTube.

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