Friday, June 12, 2015

TAKE COVER!!!!! Links In Bound!!!

Obama makes last-ditch plea to Dems ahead of showdown vote on trade
Obama evidently has a "Deal" in place with the GOP and he THOUGHT the DNC would follow along behind his vision. Evidently that is NOT what is happening. Even though I cannot STAND Ms. Pelosi nor her fellows, I admire her for taking a stand at odds with the titular head of her own party.

Obama-backed trade bill fails in the House
I'm sorry, but until we KNOW just what is in this Bill, it needs to D - I - E

1,037,900 Jobs Deficit: U.S. Created 16x as Many Jobs in Mexico as Mexico in U.S.
I'm sorry, but our Political representatives in D.C. including the President should be more concerned with generating AMERICAN JOBS! Than jobs in other Nations. Until such time as the Unemployment rolls are empty NO TREATIES or DEALS with OTHER NATIONS!

Two-year sentence for GOP operative convicted of illegal coordination
So when are they going to go after the Democrat operatives who are doing the SAME thing?

California moves to restrict water pumping by pre-1914 rights holders
And watch for MORE food prices to go up. And yet California will NOT restrict the water certain groups and organizations use.

White House balks at cost, mother's agenda for Michelle's Italy, London trip
It's becoming embarrassing to the Administration having their noses rubbed in their own waste and fraud.

Sources: ISIS terrorists using chaotic Libya as new ‘route to the West’
All of this can be laid directly at the feet of Barack Hussein Obama

DOJ stirs free-speech fight after demanding libertarian site turn over info on commenters
I'm torn on this one. On one hand the DOJ has a reputation for bullying to help the Current Administration's Policies. On the other, anyne who makes a threat needs to be investigated to determine if they actually ARE dangerous.

Prosecutor: Child sex assault suspect killed woman, teen girl, who were witnesses against him
Can I volunteer for his Firing Squad?

Authorities: Country singer Randy Howard killed in shootout with bounty hunter
The two times I worked as a Bail Enforcement Agent (Bounty Hunter) I did carry my 1911, I also carried a 12 gauge shotgun loaded with bean bag rounds. The Head Agent, my boss told me that my 1911 was to be used ONLY as a Last Resort. Hence, I had a Mossberg 500 loaded with bean bag shells, which I need to get some more of. I wonder if the Agent who tried to get Mr. Howard only had Lethal measures in place. If that is the facts, I personally think he should face a penalty, since there ARE specailty less than lethal options available. Like the 12 Ga bean bag rounds, the Arma Bean Bag Gun aka the Prowler Fouler, as seen used in Steve McQueen's "The Hunter", and many other options.

Steve McQueen gets the Prowler Fouler out of the trunk of his car and uses it on a Bounty.

Feds driven to admit dozens of Land Rover seizures were wrong
But but but, the Feds NEVER make a mistake!! Riiiight.

Boko Haram extremists burn down 6 northeast Nigerian villages, kill 37
Can we PLEASE drop a couple of TB Devices on them?

Cops Raid Pot Shop, Remove Surveillance Cameras — the Ones They Missed Resulted in Investigation
All of the offices involved PLUS their supervisors need to be REMOVED from Duty until this incident is investigated by an OUTSIDE Agency with no Ties to this department.

Civil Rights Activist Who Marched With Martin Luther King Posts Blunt Billboard About ‘Black Lives Matter’
This man is who Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson should Aspire to be like.

Taylor Swift Favorited Story About Texas Firefighter. Moments Later, Something Conspicuous Happened
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Ms. Swift is a CLASS ACT!!

Twitter will TIP OFF terror suspects being investigated by NSA because their 'brand is more important than security'
Not quite sure how I feel about this. On one hand, I'm glad they take their users data integrity so seriously. On the other, if they receive a VALID Subpoena, Warrant or Court Order, they MUST comply.

Young-adult author John Green slams Tumblr users for accusing him of sexual abuse and being a pedophile
SJW's run amok or a ignoramus looking for self validation?

Dogs snub people who are mean to their owners - and even reject their treats
I could have told them that. My dogs dislike the same people I do, and if someone is rude to me my dogs will growl and bark at them even if they are outside of my house.

Decorated Green Beret whistleblower reveals he could have saved US hostages in Pakistan but was foiled by 'dysfunctional' government coordination

Yup, the current administration is STOOPID and Bi-Polar

Seoul seals off hospitals as deadly MERS outbreak kills 11 and quarantines thousands: Disinfectant teams scour South Korean capital fumigating the streets

I pray they get this under control quickly and no one else gets sick.

Camping on the MOON: Inflatable habitat will give future lunar astronauts a place to sleep overnight while exploring

The TransHab is back. Bigelow Aerospace should be glad.

Woman had right to be drunk on her front steps -Iowa Supreme Court
Uhhh correct me if I am wrong, but if you are on your own property it isn't considered a "Public" place. it is YOUR Private property.

How King v. Burwell Could End the Obamacare Wars Once and For All
I hope so.

Palau burns Vietnamese boats caught fishing illegally
We need to do this down here in my area. A LOT of illegal Mexican fisherman who have already overfished their own fishing grounds have been coming up here to fish in American waters illegally. Not following the catch limits, and refuse to stop for the Coast Guard.

Whirlpool windmill produces power without blades
Cool a VAWT Variant.

I'm done for now. I might be back later with some more links.

Or you know I could break out the camera and start writing up some new acquisitions.

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