Friday, June 19, 2015

Things that SHOULD make you think

Sources: Clinton confidant who sent Libya memos paid $200G by Brock network

Top FAA Official Says 'Not My Problem'
Think of this the next time you have to take a flight.

Texas lawmaker accuses Yellen of blocking probe

Hong Kong bucks its Chinese overseers, gets terse reminder of who’s boss
Remember Hegemony?

Background checks possibly compromised by hack of government personnel records
And they are screaming about the invasion of privacy. What about OUR Privacy you vultures were invading and destroying? Turn about is Fair play. I hope they open hundreds of accounts in your names. By collecting MY information, you made ME and My Family's information possibly vulneable to these same hackers.

Will the Federal Reserve tip its hand on rate hikes?
Just go over to Zerohedge to read your financial news

IRS: Can’t release Lerner emails still with IG
They won't release those e-mails unless they get a Court Order backed up by ARMED US Marshal's staring them in the face.

Possible Pentagon destruction of evidence in NSA leak case probed
CYA in action. What they need s an outside investigator with Subpoena powers.

South Carolina suspect drawn to white supremacy
You know what I'd like to do? Take ANY Supremacist, White, Black, Asian, Native American, Indian, ANY Racial Identity or Theology, and take them out behind the shed and kick the crap out of them and rub their noses in their own STUPIDITY! Our Creator made us. He made us ALL! From the Same mold, and we diverged over the millennia, from the original design. But we are ALL based on that Original Design. All those Supremacy Idiots need to get some sense knocked in their skulls so they quit filling people minds with garbage and hurting others.

Hollywood swoons over China's money
Remember that word again? Hegemony

Exclusive: US flight takes shocking U-turn for two mystery passengers
Makes you wonder just who those two passengers were and WHY Indian Customs and Immigration refused them entry. What flight did they arrive on? What passports were they traveling on?

Listening to the scanner right now like I always do, and a deputy is fighting with someone, you can hear the deputy's radio key up every few seconds and you can hear yelling. Subject is now in custody, but an ambulance is being rolled to check out the deputy. Total time involved 3 minutes.

THREE MINUTES... And a Law Enforcement Officer is getting into a situation with a subject that requires EMS for the Officer. Back when I worked Security for the Housing Authority, a situation could go sideways in less than 10 seconds. We had St. Louis City respond to a situation where 4 of us Security Officers were fighting with 9 young black men, average age was maybe 17 years old. St. Louis City PD arrived and it went from a small fight/tussle to suddenly one of the St. Louis City PD Officers getting stabbed in the leg and him pepper spraying ALL OF US. Including his 2 back up officers, the other 3 Security Officers and myself and ALL of the young men we were fighting with. I thank the Creator he didn't draw his Beretta 92D, which under State and Department Regulations and Law he was authorized to do. When we finally got all of the young men in custody, we found over a dozen bladed weapons/Knives/Nail files/Screwdrivers, and 2 Jennings J-22's, 1 Lorcin .25 ACP, 2 zip guns, one in 20 ga, the other in 12 ga, 2 large cable bike locks, 3 pad locks inside socks, 1 bicycle chain, and a crude pair of brass knuckles made out of wood with nails driven through and super glued on the knuckle parts. Those are what stabbed the officer in the leg as he was tussling with his subject, the nails went through the perps pants into the officers leg.

Me I got the skin on the back of the knuckles of my right hand busted open, pepper sprayed, and one of my teeth knocked loose requiring me to visit the dentist. Oh and over 6 hours of paperwork.

Five of the young men were released to their parents before we were done with the paperwork as they were all under the age of 17, so they were "Minors". Three of the other 4 were out before I came back on shift the last one was held for the zip gun and the wood brass knuckles which had stabbed the officer plus an existing warrant for jumping bail on drugs and assault charges.  If I am remembering correctly, he was the only person charged for the weapons.  The others didn't get charged.

We also had recovered over 35 rocks of Crack Cocaine between all of them, 2 grams of black tar heroin, Off the one with the wood brass knuckles, and $900.00 in cash. Mostly 1's and 5's.  Again only the one with the existing warrant got charged for all of this.

This all started out with the young men creating a disturbance, evidently they were arguing over "Turf" and the 4 of us Security/Rent-a-Cops, came up to get them off the property. Even though I hated working Third District, I will say one thing, when we called for assistance, we got it. We had 3 officers there in less than 3 minutes. And then everything went sideways. All told from beginning to end with everyone in cuffs and coughing our guts up with watery eyes we could barely see out of, it was less than 8 minutes. The only reason the subjects didn't start running the instant we showed up was because we were blocking the gate, their only way out unless they wanted to climb a 10 foot fence with another 2 feet of barbed wire on top.

To clear up a little bit of Confusion. In Missouri, there are "Watchmen", "Security Officers", "Couriers", "Corporate Security Advisor (Bodyguard)", AND "Special Process Server". I was an Armed Security Officer, with Full Arrest Powers while on duty on my post, an Armed Courier, and an Armed Special Process Server (I served Subpoenas, Summonses, Eviction Notices, Protection Orders, etc). I also Volunteered for the Kinloch Police Department and mostly just processed paperwork in the jail. I was in uniform (The same as my regular work uniform just without my company patch) and was considered a "Turn-key" Basically a corrections officer who was unpaid but worked there for 20 hours a month. The Lieutenant called me and the other 3 volunteers, Police Auxiliaries. I was always hanging out at the Station since I got transferred from the City and Wellston Contract to the Kinloch Contract, doing paperwork and the Lt. asked me if I wanted to volunteer. I said sure, and filled out one sheet of paper and raised my right hand, I was then working in the jail a couple nights a week.

A Year Later, It’s Still a Mystery Who Is Responsible for Severing Telecommunications Companies’ Buried Fiber Optic Cables

This is/was a TEST. Coupled with other incidents, of which a few have been hushed up, it doesn't look too good.

Shocking dashcam video emerges showing Chicago police officer pumping bullets into a car filled with unarmed black teens
Then you have idiots like this who NEVER should have been able to get a badge. For them, a Badge is like a Power up in a video game that makes them untouchable. Cops like this need to be weeded out, and if they have violate the Oaths they took when they took the badge, they need to be PROSECUTED for EACH and EVERY infraction. Law Enforcement needs to be held to a HIGHER Standard that the rest of Society. "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?"

House Democrats help revive Obama's trade agenda just as he embarks on West Coast swing to raise money for their re-election bids

Any money he raises should first go to his Fuel and Security Bill for using Air Force One as his taxi.

Why China restricts fasting by Xinjiang Muslims during Ramadan
Any government that does this, is a government that has too much control. After all what are they going to do next, ban Trans-fats?

Poland says Europe's peaceful period 'now over'
Since Poland ALWAYS gets the short end of the stick, if they start talking like this, I believe them. Heck, from all the research I've been doing for the last 14 years, we have less than two years before there is a major breakout of hostilities. And by that I mean, there will multiple Nations involved, some right out in the open, but many, MANY behind the scenes.

Drought versus dollars: California's wealthiest balk at water restrictions
Rules and Laws are for the, "Little People".

Greece: What happens when a country defaults on IMF
In the "Real" world, markets crash, the value of currency declines, and then when confidence in the OTHER banks starts to wane, there will be bank runs, and bank collapses.

Search on for ex-White House chef missing in New Mexico mountains

Serbia 'shocked' by Hungary's plans to build border fence
Seriously? With Serbia's history, they're "Shocked" that Hungary wants nothing to do with them?

China orders civilian ships adapted for military use: report
Remember the word is "Hegemony"

That's all for me. I've got to get some rest.

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