Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Why aren't you reading Luna-Star and DataChasers?

Galina is in the heart of the Epiphyte ship, trying to disable the Beacon.  Before it destroys her, and drives most of the population of Earth insane.

To read more, go to Luna-Star.

Why does Malati have her blade to Irene's throat?  And why is Maxus covered in blood?

If you don't read DataChasers, you won't find out.

Remember, both DataChasers and Luna-Star are hosted by Comic Fury.  So sign up for a Free account and subscribe to both of them.  It's not required though.  But it would be nice to get both of them over 300 Subscribers.

And Remember, Luna-Star is close to the End.  As in the story, plot, EVERYTHING is finished.

As such.  I hope to be able to Nominate it next year for a Hugo Award.  Read Luna-Star and see if you agree with my decision.  And also maybe you'll help me get it a Nomination.

And both DataChasers and Luna-Star have something very unique.

Comment Sections which draw you into the conversations.  Theories are exchanged, the Creators of the series also interact with the commenters, and while you don't get "Spoilers" per se, you do get hints and gentle nudges.

In many places it is said "Don't Read The Comments", not at DataChasers and Luna-Star.  They are both places where you DO want to read the comments.  That is just one more reason you should sign up for a Comic Fury account.  So you can join in the discussions in the comment sections.  They are THAT GOOD.

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