Wednesday, July 22, 2015

10 Steps to Fascism in America

This is from an article written in 2007 by Naomi Wolf of The Guardian.

1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy

Radical and Extremist Right Wingers.

2. Create a gulag

Chicago police run secret warehouse 'black site' where Americans are detained illegally, abused: report

3. Develop a thug caste

Protests follow fatal police shooting of unarmed 19-year-old

4. Set up an internal surveillance system

PRISM (surveillance program)

5. Harass citizens' groups

IRS still targeting tea party

6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release

Judge Orders Anti-Obama Filmmaker D'Souza Receive Psychological Counseling

7. Target key individuals

Wisconsin Supreme Court shuts down John Doe investigation, affirms First Amendment

8. Control the press

Just look at what is going on currently and what has happened in the past.

9. Dissent equals treason

Again too many stories to link to.

10. Suspend the rule of law

How many Executive Orders? How Many Executive Actions?

Look around. Make your own determination.

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