Friday, July 10, 2015

Hickok45 - Micro Draco AK47 Pistol

I have one of the full size Cugir Draco Pistols.  Mine is the full size with the 11 inch barrel.  I also got one of the Sig Brace adapters for mine as it was just too difficult to get any type of real accuracy with 4+ lbs of pistol hanging out there and the end of your arm.

I will be posting some pics and video of mine in the next week or so.

I got mine because of the idea of a "Truck Gun".  I used to carry a folding stock SKS, the folding stock so it would fit behind my seats, with a bandolier of stripper clips.  As I get older, it gets hard to operate the SKS with the stripper clips.  I blame the arthritis in my hands.  So I needed something compact, that would use the same ammo.  Hence when I saw the 11" Cugir Draco Pistol on sale at J&G, I ordered one.

So far I really like it.  The only modification I've added besides the Sig Brace is a recoil buffer attached to the recoil spring and guide.  Which has lessened the recoil a noticeable amount.

As I said, I'll be putting up some pics and probably some video next week.  It all depends on if I can get to the range this weekend.

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