Tuesday, July 21, 2015

How to spot a serial killer

"How to spot a serial killer: Criminologists reveal five key traits the most notorious murderers have in common

Experts from Real Crime magazine have revealed five key characteristics. These range from being egotistical to manipulative and charming. Studies have found a link between damage to the brain’s frontal lobe and changes in the amygdala in criminal serial killers. Other psychologists link the behavior to early childhood abuse or drugs"

Number One: A Power Junkie

Number Two: A Manipulator

Number Three: An Egotistical Bragger

Number Four: A Superficial Charmer

Number Five: An Average Joe

Hmmmmmm, whoa!!!  Who is it that you know that is a power junkie who likes to manipulate and brag about himself and everything is always about im, and he's charmed all the media and foriegn leaders and claims to be an AVERAGE Joe wih his "Beer Summit"?

I'll let YOU decide who you think I am talking about.

But this person has been reported as insisting on seeing all of the videos of drone kills, and changed the requirements so that only HE can give the authority for deadly force.  Who has intentionally gone out of his way to insult and denigrate our armed forces?  Who has done anything and everything they could to try to FORCE a conflict here in the US?


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