Saturday, July 25, 2015

It has begun

The signal has been given.  What happens next?  If you want to know, you had better be reading DataChasers.

And Luna-Star has Officially Finished.  All that is left is the last few wrap up pages.  I really, Really, REally, REAlly, REALly, REALLy, REALLY want to get it nominated for a Hugo next year.  Can you help me do that?  Go to Luna-Star, and click on the link to take you to the First Page, and read on from there.

Seriously, I think both Luna-Star AND DataChasers deserve a nomination for a Hugo, however Luna-Star has finished it's run/arc so it is definitely eligible for nomination, and I'm not sure if DataChasers will finish it's arc before the end of the year.  It's run however is to continue as it is a continuing story.

And let all of your friends know about Luna-Star and DataChasers.

Also please sign up for a free Comic Fury account and subscribe to DataChasers and Luna-Star.

I have no connection to Comic Fury or the Authors of DataChasers and Luna-Star other than I enjoy their work.

ETA: The artists of DataChasers have been going back and remastering their early posts, condensing multiple pages into one, redoing the art, tweaking the story.  So if you see the art style change from page to page, that is why.  They aren't resting on their laurels, they are constantly striving to improve their art and tightening up their story to make it more entertaining.


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