Tuesday, July 21, 2015

It's the Chicago Way

"A Chicago investigator who determined that several civilian shootings by police officers were unjustified was fired after resisting orders to reverse those findings, according to internal records of his agency obtained by WBEZ.

Scott M. Ando, chief administrator of the city’s Independent Police Review Authority, informed its staff in a July 9 email that the agency no longer employed supervising investigator Lorenzo Davis, 65, a former Chicago police commander. IPRA investigates police-brutality complaints and recommends any punishment.

Davis’s termination came less than two weeks after top IPRA officials, evaluating Davis’s job performance, accused him of “a clear bias against the police” and called him “the only supervisor at IPRA who resists making requested changes as directed by management in order to reflect the correct finding with respect to OIS,” as officer-involved shootings are known in the agency."

And the New Orlean's Way, and the St. Louis Way, and the Kansas City Way, and the Los Angeles way.

In fact it is almost ANY city's Way.  And the local, state and federal government wonders why so few people trust Law Enforcement in any way, shape or form these days.

There ARE some good Departments, however they are FEW and FAR between.

And as long as there are stories and reports like this, that situation will not turn around and only get worse.

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