Monday, July 20, 2015

Social Security Administration to Strip Second Amendment Rights of Millions


Obama's Social Security Administration to Strip Millions of Americans of their Right to Keep and Bear Arms

"As the L.A. Times reported on July 18, the Social Security Administration (SSA) is currently developing a program to strip the Second Amendment Rights of over four million Americans currently receiving SSA benefits through a “representative payee.” Not only would this amount to the largest gun grab in American history, but according to the published report, would take place without any due process protections for recipients, amounting to a nullification of Second Amendment rights for millions of Americans who don’t pose a threat to themselves or anyone else.

This new program appears to have been instigated by the SSA in response to a memorandum issued by Obama in January of 2013 which directed all federal agency executives to “improve the availability of records to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).” This memorandum required all agency heads to submit to the Department of Justice (DOJ) a plan for “sharing all relevant Federal records” for submission to the NICS."

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If you don't want to find yourself or your family and friends to be stripped of their Second Amendment Rights, SPEAK OUT! 

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