Friday, July 10, 2015

The Attack to rescue Lynn has started

The attack is going in.  And just WHAT is TeeDee going to do with a PPC Cannon?

If you want to know what happens, you need to read DataChasers.

Remember, DataChasers is slightly NSFW for language, especially if TeeDee is on the scene.  I was actually surprised she wasn't swearing in this screen shot, and occasionally there MIGHT be some PG-13 (National Geographic) nudity [there hasn't been any for a loooooong time, but you never know].

And Remember, DataChasers Prequel companion Luna-Star only had FIVE (5) more updates and it is D-O-N-E!!  [I has a sad :_( ]

So go over to Comic Fury and sign up for a free account and subscribe to DataChasers. 

And remember you really NEED to read the comments on both DataChasers and Luna-Star.  They are VERY good with good conversation and carious theories being bandied about.  And the commenters are VERY nice.  No flame wars, stupid people or trolls there.  But to really participate in the comment section you should sign up for a free account.  Otherwise you can only comment as a guest as won't get notified of updates.

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