Sunday, July 19, 2015

This Alderman gets it

We are often unable to share most of the interviews we do because of time constrictions. That was the case Monday night when News 4 interviewed Ward 22 Alderman Jeffrey Boyd after his nephew, 23 year old Rashad Farmer, was killed by gunfire. The sound bites we used that night from Boyd were compelling. But, after one of our producers, Steve Perron, encouraged me to watch the whole interview, I felt compelled to edit more of what he had to say and post it here on Facebook. It's raw, it's emotional, and it's how so many victims friends and family must feel after the senseless murders we report on too often are committed. I often say I can't imagine how I'd feel if that were my loved one gunned down for no apparent reason. Jeffrey Boyd gives me and may give you a hint of what it would really feel like.
Posted by Steve Savard KMOV on Thursday, July 16, 2015

"Nephew of alderman is fatally shot, another man wounded in St. Louis"

"ST. LOUIS • The nephew of a St. Louis alderman was fatally shot Monday evening and another man was wounded in a shooting in the 5800 block of Lotus Avenue in St. Louis, St. Louis police said.

The slain man was Rashad Farmer, 23, of Bellefontaine Neighbors, his uncle Jeffrey Boyd said.

Boyd is the alderman for the 22nd Ward, on the western border in north city.

The shooting was in his ward in the Wells Goodfellow neighborhood.

The incident happened about 7:35 p.m.

Boyd said Farmer, the son of his wife’s sister, and the other man were sitting in Farmer’s car listening to music when they were ambushed by a gunman."

Listen to what he has to say. Yes it does hit home for him. But as he said, who marches for those who aren't killed by the police? Is the only outrage when it's the police doing the shooting?

It's time for the ENTIRE Community to wake up.

Our children our killing themselves. Over WHAT? Street Cred? Drugs? Money?

Is it truly worth the pain and suffering it inflicts on the rest of us as well as the victims?

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