Tuesday, August 11, 2015

A few interesting stories for your perusal

"SHERWOOD, Ore. – About two-thirds of a trestle that caught fire late Monday afternoon collapsed overnight. But crews Tuesday morning surrounded and contained the fire.

Officials warned that citizens should not go to the scene near Tualatin-Sherwood Road and Langer Parkway to observe the fire fighting efforts"


"Moviegoers in Newport Beach ran from what they thought was a chainsaw-wielding attacker after a small group burst into a crowded theater and revved the motor of a leaf blower, police said Monday.

A few patrons were trampled as panicked viewers fled a showing of “The Gift” at Edwards Big Newport 6 shortly before 11 p.m. on Saturday, Newport Beach police spokeswoman Jennifer Manzella said. No major injuries were reported, she said.

Some in the audience thought the theater was being stormed by a gunman, police said."

There are some other stories I'm looking at, two of them taken by themselves aren't any big issue. However, those two coupled with a few other incidents, and I'm repacking my G.O.B. and rotating certain preps and supplies, and I suggest you take a look at your preps and seeing what areas need to be shored up and what needs to be rotated.  Also, if you have Constitutional Carry or a License to Carry, carry everywhere you legally can, and add at least 2 reloads to your carrying habits plus add a GOOD flashlight.

1 comment:

  1. `I remember the first "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" movies....Friends of mine and I revved a chainsaw in the parking lot when the movie let out. Had it in the bed of a pickup truck.

    Hilarity. Good thing we didn't start a stampede though.....

    The discussion with the officers was.....interesting. They were, actually, amused..Not happy, but amused.


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