Tuesday, August 18, 2015

AT&T fixed my DSL

It was a wiring issue.  The Technician that was out here yesterday switched over my wire pairs here at the house, which fixed my no dial tone problem, but the DSL signal vanished.  Hmmmm that's not supposed to happen.  This morning, there were TWO technicians here before 8:00 am to work on my line.

And they finished up at about 11:45 am.  There were three issues they said, some bad splices, some corrosion on some contacts and possibly wind damage

Wind damage, you ask?

We have wind gusts around here that can exceed 50 mph.  That can stretch the lines which can break some of the very fine wire inside the cables.  About a week ago, the wind gusts closer to the bay took down the cable companies wires and AT&T's wires.  It happens.

But I'm back online.  Thank you AT&T.

According to Speedtest, my internet speed is just a touch lower than it should be, but that could just bee the modem stabilizing to the fixed lines and it should come up in a day or two.

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