Thursday, August 13, 2015

AT&T is really annoying me

Several times a month my internet goes out. Sometimes it's out for 20-30 minutes other times it will be up and down for HOURS. Today is one of those days. I go to get on my computer and whoops not internet. I turn around and look at the modem and the router and the DSL light on the modem is FLASHING RED.

It will stay flashing, then go to FLASHING GREEN then solid GREEN for about 2-3 minutes then BACK to FLASHING RED.

If I am lucky I will have full internet access about 75-80% of the time.

And for this I pay $50.00 a month.

I can't get Cable internet because Charter and Time Warner don't want to run lines out where I live, and Wireless Broadband is $75.00 a month with a 100 GB cap.

I have kids, boys and girls, but the boys and their X-box run up our bandwidth to almost the 250 GB cap we get from AT&T every month.

Right now as I type this up. I started out with a SOLID GREEN on the modem, it's now flashing RED. And now it's back to flashing green.

This gets really old, ohhh, now it's back to solid green.

I have re-booted the modem, I've rebooted the router. I've checked all the wires from the junction box outside all the way into the house. Two years ago I replaced the wires from the junction into the house with all new wires and a terminal in the house.

And STILL this still happens.

I called several of my friends who live in town and THEIR DSL is up and down also. And while I have been typing all of this up the DSL has gone down and come back up over 5 times.

I spent several calls last year talking to AT&T Support and I was told, that the problem in my area is the lines are so old because we DIDN'T get hit by a hurricane. Up north and down south, they have all new Fiber Optic lines with new switch junctions. BECAUSE they had so much infrastructure damage from several hurricanes. In my area? Well it's not broke so don't fix it or upgrade it.

Aaaaaannnnddd I just lost DSL again.

I'm hoping when it comes back up, I will be able to post this.

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