Monday, August 24, 2015

Knowledge is Power

Democlus shows the lapse in intelligence of Decimus' training regimen.

To find out Arianna's, Lynn's and Acantha's reaction, you need to be reading DataChasers.  Let's just say Arianna gets a little warm.

While you are there, sign up for a free Comic Fury Account, and subscribe to DataChasers.  Also if you would, click on the Top Web Comics link and vote for DataChasers. 

And you might want to check out what I feel to be worthy of a Hugo Award in next years Hugo's, Luna-Star.  Luna-Star, is completed, and is a prequel to DataChasers, and it sets up large parts of the DataChasers Milieu.

But read it for yourself, to see if you agree with me that it is worthy of a Hugo Award.

And you can also vote for it on Top Web Comics as well.

1 comment:

  1. "Knowledge is Power!!! Powerful words!!! I read this and it tweaked so me brain cells from a long, long time ago in a Galaxy far, far away..... Back when, in the late 50's and early 60's there was a "Grass Roots" group of Aviating Sports men who usedta' show up at poduck' airports on the weekend and jump from "perfectly good airplanes" with Modified Military Surplus Parachutes!! They were called,"The Sky Divers!!" At our old poduck airport some of these people hung out. Some were fledglings, others, "Old Salts!" Occasionally someone would screw up and "R.L." would saunter over to the geek and issue the chastisement...."KNOWLEDGE IS POWER YOU DUMB ASS!!!!!" and walk off. As a "fledgling skydiver" in those daze, I kept my "ducks in a row" to avoid the em-"Bare-ass"ment by R.L. That was "R.L. Tycer D-331" Go look him up in the archivves of Skydiving!!
    Thanks for tweaking the old Brain!! Those were Good Times!!


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