Tuesday, August 25, 2015

New Header - USS Lexington CV-16

I had a Doctors appointment today.  On my way back home I stopped and took some picture of the Lady Lex with my Cell Phone.

The picture at the top is the best of the photos I took, after I did some editing and resizing.

Some more info about the Lex is available at Wikipedia: USS Lexington (CV-16)

Also you can go to the Lex's own Website: USS Lexington

I toured the Lex a few times when I first moved down here. Unfortunately, my spine continues to deteriorate making it harder and harder for me to get out and about.

If you are ever down in the Corpus Christi Texas, drop by the Lady Lex aka The Blue Ghost, and enjoy the ship, it's history, and the aircraft on it's flight deck.

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