Monday, August 31, 2015

Ok, that was interesting.

The dogs started alerting me to something going on outside. This time it was the FedEx guy delivering across the street. I was up, had my first grab (FEG AP 765) in hand and was heading for the door. I reached for my bedroom door knob just as a loud crack of thunder happened. I got my bedroom door opened maybe and inch when it got slammed back into my face by the 3 "Big" dogs trying their best to get into "PawPaw's" room.

The door almost knocked me over.  Kyah, Stella and Clay DID knock me over.

So I'm laying splayed out on the floor, with Kyah, Stella, Clay, Layla, Skeeter, Ariel and my cat Ghost ALL trying to climb inside my shirt. And Gemma is outside scratching and barking at the door telling me she wants IN!

First thing, check the FEG, (Safety still on) holster it, (Kind of hard to do while laying under 6 dogs and a cat.), reach for my cane (which somehow wound up on the floor outside my room and almost in the kitchen).  Get myself up after calming down the dogs, crawl to my cane because my back, neck and hip are SCREAMING at me.  Finally get my cane and scramble up to a somewhat upright position.  Hobble over to the door, and Gemma while she wants in ISN'T getting out from underneath the grill to do it.

And there is more thunder.

I'm going to take my meds and lay down until this front has finished moving through.

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