Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Attention GOP

"Since the inception of the Tea Party movement, conservatives have listened to the promises of smaller government, massive spending cuts, balanced budgets, repealing of ObamaCare, closing of America’s open borders, and a strong opposition to Obama and the Democrat’s socialist agenda. And every time we supported Republicans in the elections, we were immediately disappointed by the actions and votes of those we elected through hard work and sacrifice. We believed you, Republican Establishment. We believe you no more.

Not only were we deceived by Republicans, GOP Establishment leaders openly insulted conservatives. Whether being called “whacko birds” by an ancient Arizona Senator or being told the current Senate Majority Leader would like to “punch the Tea Party in the nose,” we slowly came to realize the only group that despised Tea Party conservatives more than the Democrats was the Republicans! Those who begged us for votes to return them to power. The Republican Establishment loves our votes but despise the conservative voter who pulls the lever.

Furthermore, we realized that there is virtually zero difference between either political party. Mitch McConnell is Harry Reid. John Boehner is a total failure who has done nothing to halt America’s decline into socialism. What has been the major focus of the Republican Establishment over the past several years? Immigration reform (read: Amnesty for 30 million illegal aliens) that will create tens of millions of Democrat voters."

Listen GOP Establishment.

My Father voted GOP, my Grandmother voted GOP. I have been voting GOP. In 2016, if you people don't start to follow the will of your Constituents instead of the rich donors and PAC's, I and hundreds of thousands if not millions of others like me who are FED UP your your two faced, double dealing and BALD FACED LIES, will vote Independent OR Libertarian.

We've HAD IT. We voted you into power to REVERSE the trends of the DNC Hegemony, and what do you do? YOU CRAWL IN BED WITH THEM!!!!

We didn't vote you in to have ObamaCare/Affordable Care Act CONTINUE to destroy our economy and kill jobs. We didn't vote you into power to allow Valerie Jarrett, Lois Lerner, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, the EPA the DOJ and everyone else from Obama on down to thumb their noses at you and the Laws and Constitution of this Nation.

We voted you into power to DO YOUR JOBS as the WILL of the PEOPLE.

And you ignore us.

You WILL Lose possibly not just the Presidency but the House AND the Senate. And you will have NO ONE but yourselves to blame.

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