Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The architect of Puerto Rico's collapse

"Governor Tugwell’s legacy is alive and apparent on the island. His tenure in office was characterized by central planning, government growth, and expansion of the welfare state. He stamped out the thriving sugar cane and coffee industries in favor of manufacturing. The result is that now we have neither. Today in Puerto Rico our government is the island’s largest employer and half of all residents require government financial assistance to subsist. In this sense Governor Tugwell truly left his mark."

I rarely link to Ben Swann's Truth in Media, because he is trying to market himself and make money.  But then again, who doesn't.  However, his site is maturing, less "look look look click on this so I can get money" to some very well thought out and researched articles like the one I link to above.

And that article IS something you really should read.  It explains the background of the person who has sown the seeds not just for Puerto Rico's destruction, but the rest of the United States destruction as well.

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