Friday, August 21, 2015

U.S. Marines take down possible Terrorist Gunman on train

"(CNN)A massacre on a high-speed train in Belgium was prevented Friday when two members of the U.S. military in civilian clothing surprised an Islamist militant, authorities said.

The suspect was loading his automatic Kalashnikov rifle in a toilet, apparently preparing to attack, when the service members confronted him, said a European counterterrorism official.

The gunman fired on them with a handgun, the official said, wounding at least one. Three people were injured aboard the Thalys train traveling from Amsterdam to Paris, authorities said.

The service members overpowered the suspect, who was placed under arrest when the train was rerouted to the French town of Arras, about 115 miles (185 kilometers) north of Paris."


"(U.K. Daily Mail) One of the hero Marines who foiled a planned terror attack on a French train was shot in the neck while disarming the crazed gunman on Friday.

The two unarmed servicemen spotted the 26-year-old Moroccan acting suspiciously and heard him trying to arm his weapon in the toilet of the high speed train between Amsterdam and Paris.

The gunman got on the train in Brussels and attempted his attack soon after crossing the French border.

The 26-year-old Moroccan national, who was known to security services, came out of the toilet brandishing the gun and opened fire. Fortunately, two US Marines were nearby and overpowered him before he could massacre passengers.

The suspected terrorist had at least nine full magazines of ammunition holding almost 300 rounds. He was also carrying a knife.

Unfortunately, one of the Marines was shot although his injuries are not thought to be life-threatening."

Me personally, I am thanking our Creator that our Servicemen/Marines were on that train and the total injuries sustained were minor. I pray for their quick recovery and return to duty. And if they are awarded medals, how much do you want to bet they try to refuse them? They would probably say, "That is our job" or something like that.  Other articles make mention of a possible National Guard member, but I haven't seen any type of official confirmation.

Semper Fi Gentlemen

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