Saturday, August 29, 2015

Vet Ranch - Dr. Matt - Wounded Dog Found Wandering the Streets

Published on Aug 29, 2015

This skinny pup was found alone on the streets with a huge infected wound. Luckily the person who found him knew just the place to take him!

If you are interested in helping with animals in the future, please visit to learn more about what we do and to donate if you would like. We are a registered 501(c)(3), tax exempt non-profit organization. There is no shortage of pets in need, so every donation means more lives we can positively change. If you are not able to donate, please enjoy the videos and share if you like them!!!


  1. You should check out Vet Ranch. The videos show wonderful work with animals and ask for donations to continue the work. There is a problem. The vets don't give their last name so you can verify they are licensed DVMs. There is no transparency to the organization: address; phone number; and references from organizations they have worked with. This is Big Red Flag of a scam. Jim Witt

  2. I did. They ARE a Registered Charity, I DO know Dr. Matt's full name, I even know his home address. I know where he went to Vet school and I know he is licensed in the state of Texas. All of that information is available if you know where to search as it is public information here in Texas. I HAVE called Dr. Matt's clinic before and it is a proper practice with a business license and everything.

    Before Matt started accepting donations he used all of the money he received from people who watched his other YouTube channel to pay for these treatments.

    Since then he has registered as a Charity with the federal government and the state of Texas.

    Just because he and the other Veterinarians try to protect their private lives by NOT giving out their last names you seem to think there is some scam.

    Before I ever posted the first Vet Ranch video, I did my research and I KNEW Dr. Matt's full name, his wife's name, where he graduated from the clinic he worked at, and I was even able to verify he had a DEA ID number for the medicines he used.

    All of that took me about 45 minutes.

    After that I posted his first few videos.

    When he said that they had received their Charity Registration I checked that out as well. And what do you know? Dr. Matt's name is right there on the application and it matches his License to practice Veterinary medicine which can be found through the state of Texas.

    Just because someone DOESN'T want their personal information out there doesn't mean they are a scam artist. NOR is there a REQUIREMENT that they DO SO.

    If you don't want to give them money. Fine, don't. Don't come to MY BLOG, and cast aspersions unless you have the FACTS to back them up.

    My Blog, MY RULES.

  3. Thank you for your response. My question is: How can you check out someone if you don't have a last name. So, you put in Dr. Matt and you get youtube, Vet Ranch web page and Face Book. None give you a last name or how to contact people. Can I find you by googling Mark? When you go public asking for donations you give up your privacy. If you are a 501C3 you become public and accountable for the money you receive and how you spend it. Major charitable organizations warn consumers never give to any organization without knowing who they are, how to reach them etc. Dr. Matt may be the best thing to ever happen for animals.
    Jim Witt

  4. I googled Vet Ranch Rescue and looked it up through the Secretary of the State of Texas which gave me the first filing, from there I expanded. I'm not going to give lessons for people to stalk people. I used to be a Special Process Server so I know several methods for finding out things that other people may not know. But a lot of it is available.

    If you google me, you will find out the county I live in and my P.O. Box number, you might find my land line number which I never answer anyway.

    As for contacting me, what have you been doing here right now? And don't I have an e-mail posted on the right side of my blog? Can't you click on my user name to go to my profile where I have my e-mail listed also?

    There are many ways of getting in contact with someone if you actually look.

  5. Here’s the problem with your statement about Texas search. There is no indication on youtube channel, Vet Ranch web page or Face Book, he is from Texas. How would a person know that?
    Dr. Matt asks the public for donations and that takes him out of the private setting. Charitable 501 (C) (3) organizations are suppose to be transparent with funds received, spent, office location, phone number etc. Jim Witt

  6. From Dr Matt himself

    Hey Mark,

    Thanks for the heads up and thanks so much for standing up for me. This is something we have run into A LOT!!! We have nearly 1 million subscribers between the 2 channels, so yeah I'd rather not have 1 million people knowing my last name and then being able to find me. Unfortunately someone was pissed that they didn't know anything about me and the filed a formal complaint with the veterinary board. With every complaint the board has to conduct an investigation. So I was investigated...... really cool. Of course the board said, yep you're a vet, but you should say your last name in the description so we don't get any more complaints. They said it's not a law so I could fight it if I wanted, but of course I dont want to hire an attorney to fight the board, so I just put my last name in the description of the videos. They told the complainant what changes I made, and the complainant was apparently pleased and said they liked what I was doing and would now donate. I was so pissed. So they like Vet Ranch, but still filed a formal complaint....... Anyway, you can use that in your rebuttal, my last name is in the description of the vids. Which makes it ridiculously easy to confirm that I'm a vet, and also show up at my work or home uninvited, can't wait! Thanks for the continued support! Matt CARRIKER"

    Did you catch that LAST PART?

    "Which makes it ridiculously easy to confirm that I'm a vet, and also show up at my work or home uninvited"

    This man has KIDS and a WIFE, and there are plenty of NUTJOBS out there.

    According to the IRS and the STATE OF TEXAS Rules and Regs he is FULLY in line with NOT putting that information out there. I don't see why you are making such a large issue out of this. Unless you are doing so out of some type of "LOOK AT ME" cry for help.

    As far as I am concerned this issue is and has been resolved. If YOU still have an issue with it, I'm sorry that is all on you. I'm done with this conversation.

  7. I love watching vet ranch and yes Dr Matt has said several times in his video's that he is located in the state of Texas. If someone doesn't trust something on u tube just don't donate to it. It is that simple. No one is forcing anyone to contribute to any of the charities. The person who caused all this trouble for Vet Ranch should have gotten their facts straight first. Sorry to hear about that issue.


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