Sunday, August 2, 2015

Windows 10 is spying on you

"Windows 10 is amazing. Windows 10 is fantastic. Windows 10 is glorious. Windows 10 is faster, smoother and more user-friendly than any Windows operating system that has come before it. Windows 10 is everything Windows 8 should have been, addressing nearly all of the major problems users had with Microsoft’s previous-generation platform in one fell swoop.

But there’s something you should know: As you read this article from your newly upgraded PC, Windows 10 is also spying on nearly everything you do."

Please click on that to read the full article.

I DON'T like being spied on. Not by my Government, not by a Software Company, not by ANYONE.

Under the US Constitution, I have the RIGHT to my privacy. For some company to or the government to spy on what I do is reprehensible.

So take steps to protect your privacy.

And on any Windows 8 machine I ALWAYS set my account up as a LOCAL account. NEVER let Microsoft "Sync" your accounts. Always use a Local Account.

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