Sunday, September 27, 2015

A new book just went on my To purchase list - Pivot Points

A gentleman who frequented a forum I belong to recently wrote a book.

From the Description on

"Too many Americans lack the know-how and provisions to adequately handle even a small disaster—be it man-made or natural. Meanwhile, the image of the disaster prepper as either paranoid or actively hoping for social disruption has become commonplace. It’s time to face the sad truth: the disaster preparedness movement in America has failed.

In Pivot Points, experienced disaster “prepper” Paul T. Martin argues for a shift in how America views disaster preparation. Instead of their dismissing prepping as a hobby or the result of an overactive imagination, Martin challenges individuals, emergency management professionals, and community leaders to answer three vital questions:

Do we need a culture of preparedness in America?
What should that culture look like?
How do we create that culture?

Martin challenges readers to discover their “pivot points,” those sources of motivation for preparing both themselves and their communities for disaster. For some, motivations might center on family safety. For others, a sense of citizenship or religious beliefs might drive their preparedness.

By exploring different pivot points, we create a more resilient, inclusive culture of preparedness, transforming the reader into an advocate for public safety and creating better preparation in private and public spheres."

It is now on my list of books I will be buying on the first of the month.

If you think you might want to check it out for yourself click the following link:  Pivot Points By: Paul T. Martin

Note: Amazon Prime Members can buy the Kindle version for Free.  (And no I'm not shilling for Amazon either.)


  1. Thanks for your kind words about Pivot Points - I hope you and your readers will find it helpful.

    Paul Martin

  2. Well Paul, I remember your post on Rubicon. And I just clicked to buy it for my kindle.

    I look forward to reading it this weekend.


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