Monday, September 28, 2015

AMSAT - Or, This is freaky

I'm reclining here, while I do an archive dive on one of my regular webcomics (TMI), and as usual I have 2 scanners scanning and 2 of my HAM HT's scanning and my Baofeng UV-5R with it's little mag mount antenna stuck on top of my AC unit outside is picking up CW/Morse Code on 437.275.  A LOT of it.  That downlink frequency is is assigned to COMPASS-1.  That can't be right....

I did some checking and I found THIS.

According to that COMPASS 1 died in 2012.

This is 2015.

Hmmmmmmm, so what is transmitting on it's downlink then, strong enough to break the squelch on my HT?

And I should only be able to to hear COMPASS 1 with a beam that is properly aimed.


Something weird is going on.

ETA: I I think I found it.  It's PA3GUO, and I"m hearing it's beacon.

Ok, THAT is explained, but how am I hearing it on an el-cheapo mag mount antenna through my Baofeng HT? The receiver front end on it isn't THAT sensitive.  And I'm not running a pre-amp.

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