Friday, September 18, 2015

Have an Android phone?

" Google's security researchers have found that an anti-exploitation feature in Android that should block Stagefright-based attacks can be bypassed.

In the aftermath of the Stagefright bug, Google told media that 90 percent of Android devices would have been protected from an attack using the bug because Google had implemented address space layout randomisation (ASLR) in Android. Google introduced ASLR to Android in 2012 with version 4.1.

Google made the point as neither it, nor other Android OEMs, had released Stagefright patches for some time - some were only delivered two months after the news of the bug came to light."

Remember, your smartphone IS a computer. And as such it NEEDS a good Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware application installed to keep your data safer.

Note I did NOT say SAFE.

Unless you ONLY use your smartphone for sending and receiving Phone Calls and Phone Calls ONLY, your Smart Phone is just as susceptible to attack as your home computer.

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