Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Kilted To Kick Cancer 2015 - Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

Yup, It's back.  And I will be going around Corpus Christi wearing my kilt to raise awareness and funds for Kilted to Kick Cancer.

To donate to Team Corpus Christi, click on the Kilted To Kick Cancer banner on the right side of my blog and in your review please put that you are donating for Team Corpus Christi.

If you are on a mobile device and cannot see the banner please click on the following link:

Kilted to Kick Cancer - Team Corpus Christi


  1. Thankee Sir. I"m operating on 3 hours of sleep right no. Mom had back surgery this morning and I got back from the hospital about 2 hours ago. I'm almost caught up.


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