Thursday, September 3, 2015

Kilted to Kick Cancer Standings

Well folks, I was out and about ALL day today in my kilt.  I had to pick up my mother from the hospital after her surgery.  So if you saw a guy walking around wearing a 5.11 Tactical Duty Kilt with a Powder Blue Kilted to Kick Cancer T-shirt and a navy blue jungle hat, that was me.

I'll probably be BACK down in Corpus friday and I'll dig out my OD Green Kilt to wear.

The current standings for the 2015 KTKC are at the following link: KTKC Standings

You see that ONE $20.00 Donation for Team Corpus Christi?  That's ME.  Please if you can, Donate, and choose Team Corpus Christi for the Team you are supporting.  Last year it was only me donating also.  I know that finances can be tough, but I specifically set out a certain amount ($20.00) EACH month that I donate to various Charities.  This month it's Kilted to Kick Cancer.  If I can do it with 5 of my 7 kids still at home PLUS helping my daughter in college and my eldest when she runs a bit short sometimes on less than $1,200.00 a month Social Security, you can set aside a small amount to donate yourself.

Maybe it's NOT, KTKC, maybe it's Christian Children's Fund (who I also donate to) or the Salvation Army (Another I donate to), your local Animal Shelter (I'm going to switch out the local Humane Society for Vet Ranch Rescue starting next month), EACH Month I donate to a DIFFERENT Charity.  And it's ALWAYS $20.00.

I know budgeting every month can be HARD.  I have seven kids and I'm on disability, trust me, I know.  But if you set aside the same amount each and every month and plan for it, you can work it into your budget.  Even if it's as little as $5.00 a month.  You CAN make a difference.

So please even if you don't want to support Team Corpus Christi, you can donate directly to KTKC and you can even do it anonymously if you wish.

All donations ARE tax deductible.

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