Sunday, September 20, 2015

scholagladiatoria - The problems with carrying too many weapons

A loadout I used to use many years ago when I was physically fit enough to do so, was my Taurus .38 Special Revolver, and H&R 9 shot .22 LR, the Taurus I carried in a shoulder holster, the H&R in a hip holster. A Mossberg 500 12 ga. pump with a sling and I would carry my old No4 MK1 .303 Enfield wrapped up, strapped to my back pack.

I carried ammo in an old Swedish bandolier which I should have kept as the prices for them have gone through the roof. I could carry 8 .22 Short boxes or 6 .22 LR boxes in a pouch on the bandolier, and I normally had 2 pouches with nothing but .22 LR and 2 with a mix of .22 shorts and .22 LR Shotshells. The last pouch I would keep 3 chewing tobacco tins, 1 would have a sewing kit, another a small fishing kit and the last was gun grease and grease soaked cotton cleaning patches and a small pocket knife. I had an additional pouch which wasn't part of the bandolier but would fit on the belt of the bandolier that held 82 rounds of .38 special ammo. I wore that bandolier with the pouches to the front, buckle to the front of the right hip, with the .22 holster on the right hip and the pouch of .38 ammo on the left hip. I had to have a rivet put in the belt so the holster wouldn't slide off when taking it off or putting it on.

Shotgun ammo was mostly bird and squirrel loads in 2 bandoliers worn mexican bandito style. I had one shotgun bandolier that I had cut up and had sewn onto a vest I made out of an old BDU shirt/jacket. Those were loaded with slugs and buckshot.

For my Enfield, I did have an extra magazine for it, which was loaded with commercial hunting rounds, the rest was 180 rounds of MilSurp ammo in stripper clips in a couple of old cloth bandoliers I can't remember what they were for or where I got them. The rifle with it's ammo was rolled up in an old blanket with sewn pockets to hold the ammo and a cup to hold the butt and cover the muzzle. That was then strapped to my pack with the muzzle down.

Just in weapons and ammo alone I had over 35 lbs.

Add in food, water and other incidentals my loadout weighed right at 72 lbs. And that was for a simple 3 day 22 mile hike.

Now imagine you have to get from point A to point B and you had to carry everything on your back.

Do you REALLY need to have that extra upper for your AR? Do you REALLY NEED 3 different caliber handguns? DO you NEED 5 knives? Or do you WANT 5 knives?

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