Thursday, September 24, 2015

Thank you Midway

I have been trying for the last several years to get a 20" ribbed barrel for my Mav 88.  Last week in my weekly Midway flyer there it was.

And it was marked down from $199.00 to $127.70 .  Only $137.69 after shipping and handling.  And today it ARRIVED!!!!

I've already switched out the 18" barrel with the new 20" and I swapped out the Modified Choke for my Carlsons Rifled Choke.  It makes the barrel right at 23.5" now but I MUCH prefer the option of having the rifled choke instead of cylinder bore.

I was going to go to the range today, however Mother Nature is conspiring against me. We have a front moving in and it is destroying my joints right now.  I'm praying the rain holds off tomorrow so I can get to the range, I have 7 firearms I have to test out.

After I get a few things done around here, I'll be posting some photos of some acquisitions.

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