Tuesday, September 22, 2015

You can't die - Of Course Not. We Have A Date.

Democlus is setting up to stop Nox, while Arianna begs with him to not throw his life away.

Democlus then reminds Arianna that he isn't, because they have a date.

To find out what happens NEXT, you need to be reading DataChasers, which updates every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at Midnight EST.

While you are over there sign up for a Free Comic Fury Account and join me and everyone else in the comment section.

Also don't forget to vote for DataChasers in the Top Web Comics, Top 100.

And check out the Completed Prequel to DataChasers, Luna-Star and Vote for it as well.


  1. If you check out the writing it's solid with a compelling story.

    The original artwork wasn't the greatest, but it is being replaced by the authoresses of the story as their craft improves.

    I originally found Luna-Star when their art had improved, and I stayed for the story.

    When I started reading DataChasers the artwork WAS a distraction but the story is SOLID.

    So as they go along with the main story now, they are going back and redoing/mastering the previous pages. Tightening up the story and the artwork is MUCH improved.


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