Monday, October 5, 2015

According to DHS, your "Rights" aren't your Rights

Mayor Anthony R. Silva, who was elected in November 2012, had traveled to China for a mayor’s conference, he said in a statement. Upon his return home on Monday, Silva was briefly detained by Department of Homeland Security agents and had his belongings searched, he said.

“A few minutes later, DHS agents confiscated all my electronic devices including my personal cell phone. Unfortunately, they were not willing or able to produce a search warrant or any court documents suggesting they had a legal right to take my property. In addition, they were persistent about requiring my passwords for all devices,” Silva said.

Silva was not allowed to leave the airport until he gave his passwords to the agents, which the mayor’s personal attorney, Mark Reichel, claimed is illegal.

The mayor said the agents told him confiscating property from travelers at the airport was “in fact routine and not unusual,” and promised to return the items within a few days.

Silva was also told he had “no right for a lawyer to be present” and that being a U.S. citizen did not “entitle me to rights that I probably thought.”

Since when does DHS (Department of Homeland Security) decide on what is and is not a "Right" guaranteed to us under the Constitution?

Are they Judges? Have they been to law school? Are they sworn in by the State Bar?

I'm sorry, this needs to be RE-Litigated.

Evidently, our Rights don't begin until we are 100 miles + from a Customs or Border Checkpoint.

Someone needs to read the Constitution, especially the 4th Amendment.

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