Saturday, October 31, 2015

Business getting into Preparedness

"One of America’s largest companies is taking a controversial stance on employee benefits.

In a move that is sure to draw criticism from the mainstream press, Jonathan Johnson, chairman of online retail giant (OSTK), publicly stated that the company has stockpiled gold and food in preparation of a U.S. financial crisis.

Johnson recently told an audience at the United Precious Metals Association:

We are not big fans of Wall Street and we don't trust them. We foresaw the financial crisis, we fought against the financial crisis that happened in 2008; we don't trust the banks still and we foresee that with QE3, and QE4 and QE n that at some point there is going to be another significant financial crisis.

Quantitative easing (QE) is when a central bank creates money from nothing and injects it into the financial system. It’s basically another word for money printing."

And there are other companies that are doing the same.

So ask yourself, since they have high dollar advisers, lawyers, accountants, economists, and others advising them, just what are they seeing that you and I aren't?

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