Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Size is misleading

I wonder what the other Black Angel's look like now since CeCi is so tiny compared to them.

Head on over to DataChasers if you have no idea what I or the snippet above are talking about.

While you are there, if you haven't already, sign up for a free Comic Fury account and join me and everyone else in the comment section.  Last updates strip, (Monday 10/26/2015) we had a very informative discussion about Sentience, and a few other things.  You'd be surprised some of the things that get discussed in the comment section at DataChasers.  From technology, to sociopolitical theory to just the regular fun stuff of bagging on a particular character in the strip.  But if you don't read it, and the comments, you'll never know.

And Please, don't forget to click on the Top Web Comics button and vote for DataChasers

Also you might want to check out the Completed Prequel to DataChasers, Luna-Star.  Luna-Star is now eligible for nomination for the Hugo Awards and I fully intend on getting it nominated if I can.  Read Luna-Star yourself, to see if you agree or disagree with me.

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