Sunday, November 22, 2015

I'm back from my trip north

I went to Houston, bought a car for my daughter, delivered the car to my daughter.  Then crashed in Austin in the Quality Inn on 35 for 4 hours of sleep then back on the road to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

While I was in Oklahoma City, I bought a 1997 GMC Suburban to replace my 1994.

After I finished the paperwork that made the new 'Burb mine, my youngest son, Sprog #7, and I hooked up the tow dolly to the 'Burb and strapped down the S-10 for our trip back.

However, BEFORE, we left, we had a brief snack and soda with Jennifer and Michael and their son at Wilshire Guns and Cafe.  Where I found out they didn't have ANY .45-70 firearms in stock.  I had a sad.

Michael was getting ready to put some more rounds through a Kel-Tec P380.  And we found out they were having the same issues with the P380 that I have been having with my mothers P32.

You'll need to check their blogs to find out what those issues are.  I won't be writing any spoilers.

But I believe we all had an enjoyable time and I hope in the future we can do it again.  Maybe when I have enough time to get in some trigger time myself.

After that, Sprog #7 and I hit the road and headed to College Station and Sprog #1's place.  She wanted to see her daddy, even if it was only for a few hours.  I got almost 11 hours of sleep and after meeting a delightful young lady who is a friend of my daughter, Sprog #7 and I hit the road for home.

Now I'm home, we dropped the S-10 off at home, returned the tow dolly, stocked back up on my Diet Coke, and now I"m catching up on my e-mails.

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