Thursday, November 5, 2015

Links you may want to look at...

Porn scandal: Top prosecutor keeps releasing raunchy emails

AP Exclusive: Brown had state workers research oil on ranch

State police probe Marksville shooting that left child dead

Worker called hero for facing California university attacker

Anti-government activist found guilty in machine gun case

Cameron: Bomb 'more likely than not' caused plane crash

Second complaint lodged against pro-Rubio secret donor group

Warning signs for both parties in state and local elections

Probe finds no armed men in Afghan clinic bombed by US

US housing recovery divided on age, race and place

Details of controversial Pacific trade deal are released

Momentum builds for reviving Export-Import Bank

Britain seeks greater access to citizens' online activity

UK fines prosecutors for data breach in stolen laptop

Philadelphia congressman's son convicted of fraud charges

House votes to keep highway spending level, ignores warnings

Hamtramck is 1st American city to elect majority Muslim council

Latino group offers $5K for calling Trump a racist on ‘SNL’

Proposal would allow DC 16-year-olds to vote for president in 2016

MELTDOWN MYTH: Antarctic ice growing is just the first EVIDENCE global warming is NOT REAL

Could Mount St Helens be about to erupt? Massive magma chamber found below the volcano may reveal clues about future explosions

TPP Trade Deal Hits 5,544 Pages, Longer Than Obamacare PLUS Rubio’s ‘Gang Of Eight’ Cheap-Labor Amnesty Bill

Trade Text Finally Released

Socialists gather in NYC to plot political overhaul

Thai junta launches crackdown on 'influential figures' stoking crime

Mass immigration is on the verge of DESTROYING Europe, blasts LEO MCKINSTRY

EU predicts 3 million migrants could arrive by end 2016

46,471: Drug Overdoses Killed More Americans Than Car Crashes or Guns

NATO chief sounds alarm over Russian buildup

CAMPUS ATTACK: Student ID'd as stabber of 4 on Calif. campus — ISIS-linked Twitter offers praise

Taxpayer-backed solar plant actually a carbon polluter

Business, states open legal fire on EPA’s Clean Power Plan rule

Radioactive material keeps getting stolen from nuclear lab, feds say

Showdown at the OK Corral - Why Obama has no intention of letting bygones be bygones in his upcoming meeting with Netanyahu

Soros: National Borders Are The Enemy

Venezuelan prosecutor’s bid for U.S. asylum triggers dilemma

Is the Clinton Foundation trying to distance itself from its health initiative?

State Department refuses to pause Keystone pipeline review

Study finds Ebola traces in semen up to 9 months after infection

Nancy Pelosi: Tea Party 'Empowers' Democrats

Exclusive: Chemical weapons used in Syrian fighting - watchdog

Former Rabobank traders convicted in U.S. trial over Libor rigging

Feeling ignored, Fed jolts markets to prime them for lift-off

Wells Fargo to pay $81.6 million to bankrupt U.S. homeowners: DOJ

U.S. House approves transportation bill that renews trade bank

White House set to notify Congress about TPP, start 90-day clock: official

Clinton calls for minimum wage increase to $12 per hour

EU seeks to reassure companies about transatlantic data transfers

UC Merced Stabbing ’Hero’ Says He Thinks Differently About Concealed Carry After Attack

What Bernie Sanders Is Now Saying About Hillary Clinton’s ‘Damn Emails’

Chuck Schumer Uses Military To Coerce Gun Manufacturers Into Accepting His Anti-Gun Agenda

‘For the Record’: A Simple Attack Could Collapse the Grid

Ted Cruz Scolds Harry Reid, Dems on Senate Floor After Objection to Unanimous Consent on ‘Kate’s Law’

In Rare Op-Ed, Rush Limbaugh Tells Story of the ‘Conservative-Media Revolution’ and What It’s Forced ‘Liberal Media’ to Do

Mother furious after son, 13, is given homework to write about getting black-out drunk, having sex, and contracting herpes... and it WASN'T for health class

Now we're being hacked by Iran warns government - despite Obama's nuclear deal to bring mullahs in from the cold

Samsung's Galaxy S6 Edge at risk of attack: Google finds 11 security holes that could let hackers access or even control the device

France is secretly planning to bring back passport checks on ALL its borders in desperate bid to 'maintain order', leaked letter reveals

Linux is fast, flexible and free. Experts say that comes with a security cost.

Senate Democrats block defense spending bill

Heroin top U.S. drug threat; "Ferguson effect" real: DEA chief

Russia sent missile systems to Syria: air force chief

Clinton wants to make gun control a 'voting issue'

Bank Of Ireland Bans "Small" Cash Withdrawals At Branches

That's all I've got for now. My back is starting to act up again.

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