Thursday, November 26, 2015

Sam and Holly are stepping up their Lawfare

This time directed at Kenny aka Wirecutter. My day in court

I know it's getting into the holiday buying time and also many will have increased utility bills, but if you can kick Kenny a few bucks to help him cover his Legal Eagle, it would strike a blow at the Con artist and Bullshiter who thinks HE is the owner/founder of the III Percent Movement.

To kick Kenny some cash via Check or Money Order his mailing address is:

Kenny Lane
PO Box 1996
Ceres, CA 95307

Or if you wish to send him some cash through Paypal, his Paypal acount is:

Let's support Kenny against a reprehensible piece of excrement,who has engaged in Lawfare against people whose only problem is that they questioned Sam Kerodin and pointed out his lies.

I've tried to stay out of this whole brouhaha, but when Sam and Holly start going after the livelihoods of people who question his actions, point out his lies and inconsistencies, and ask for accountability, they have gone from Patriots to lower than pond scum.

Kenny has stated he won't be answering any questions about this, so please don't try to ask him.  He has been served with a restraining order, and as such if he does speak out and answer questions, he could find himself in violation and possibly open to criminal in addition to further civil prosecution.

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