Sunday, December 20, 2015

Meet Xena

She has been hanging around the fire station for the last month, since they can't allow her to get into the equipment, she sort of got sent to live with me.  Where she has knocked down/over and gotten into almost everything.

Ghost, my other cat and her didn't get along at first, but now, Ghost is sorta ok with her, Xena still has a few issues with Ghost however.  It's only been 3 days however and Xena gets along fine with Layla, Skeeter and Ariel the dogs, it's just Ghost she still has an issue with.  I"m pretty sure bu the time the Christmas Holidays are over, Ghost and Xena will be fine with each other.

Now if Xena will just quit knocking stuff over and walking/sitting on my keyboard.

When Ghost did that I just sprayed her with my squirt gun, Ghost doesn't like water, however Xena LOVES it, so it's not having the same effect.

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